Is a Bad News or Good News??
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 {♥} .:eve:.
4/01/2009 07:39:00 PM
Yeah, finally can whole day on9 >>cos my 2nd bro girlfriend when back singpore!!!! =D
And during having our dinner (just now), my dad suddenly pop up wanted my bro & gf move out when ever he found a job?!
>>omg, thats hurts while i listen that >o<....... n my dad use the word 'that women' some more.........
Dad tips:-
Being a Daughter-in-law must...... (like my 大嫂, she does all below too as what i know)
1) help doing house works
>> yea, if u got maid/helpers also need to help in different ways..... (Every day, I also automatic help my mom prepare the table, sometime mom haven't finish cook/cooked so many food still wanted to cook more @_@ and just cancel that dishes.)
2) help burden some expensess
>> we all stay in 1 house, every1 have to pay their own use. And she don't know really will be 1 of our family member or not. Even u rental a room/house need to pay for the bill too. (cos now a day economic no good....... )
3) maintain good relationship with our family (mine tips for me the most inportant)
>> our family is a open minded & easy going person. I think can say that my bro use the wrong way to introduce his gf to us and and never move along together with us. And we don't have any family meeting, just like have some BBQ party at home to move along together and chat.
My 2nd Bro reaction:-
Don't talk and finish his dinner, can say that very quickly. @_@ And my dad keep talking to me about what a daughter-in-law should do.........
>> yep, can say that he 'ran away'. =X
Just hope everything would be normal as usual as it be.