>-< Chicken Pox!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008 {♥} .:eve:.
12/11/2008 11:25:00 PM
Never realized one day I will get chicken pox......
==> Two days ago.. 9 Dec 2008, me not feeling well during on the way to office, like feeling to vomit during the journey on the bus.. but later on then feeling well so no more care about it. Lunch time 1pm, 2nd hit me starts headache (think that maybe my MC come so will headache and not indeed to that Panadol tablets for some reason just can't every time take Panadol is bad for health) till off office still headache.3rd hit dunno..... when I saw there is 2 bubble on my left hand, one beside the last finger another one near my BCG around 6cm - 7cm distant away. Me never notice / aware about it just think this would be the water bubble usually get and use pin to destroy it. 4th hit starts around 4pm to 5pm, my four hand starting getting cold and my lips also very fast getting dry... so me always drink water of is hot water to hot out the cold. Even my colleagues say, why my face very white? sick ah? .. yea sick....
Because of headache me didn't take MRT whole the way to Kranji MRT, me alight at the Jurong East Interchange MRT withdraw some many to pay bills and transfer 160 bus to JB directly.
The journey in the bus can say I sleep whole the way only wake up some time ensure the bus are going the correct direction (incase me sick become blur take wrong buses). I still very cold in the bus even turned the air-con still cold. Lucky that I have the hip hop jacket my elder brother given me do help me but only my hands and legs too cold only, the rest of my body are very warm and hot (I think I have high fever le). And also keep reminding, when to see doctor directly during mom fetching me home.
What a big surprise, my dad fetch me and told me that mom sick O_O and also starting complain my brother & his gf ...... never help mom during mom sick .... etc...(@_@|||.... what can i say to the 2 guys there....said this meh?! => "yo, mom sick please behave yourself?!" no right!) I also got tell my dad me not feeling well but I don't want my dad trouble so didn't ask him sent me to clinic and just when home directly.
When home, saw moms awake ask her all ppl will ask "eaten? sick take medicine already? Go sleep and rest....." And me no appetite but can't wasted what dad order the delivery so have some and clean up the remaining.
Dad also told me that the 2 guys go out after eat till now haven't back, they back during me eating my dinner and you know what i saw (His Gf holding a plastic bottle of drinks and foods "forgot called what") .... I almost wanted to scold out!!! (please settle your dinner yourself, don't just waiting for us to do for you. When ordered you didn't like it, go out and eat again? then all the leave behind how?)
etc..... scold bad words in my mind.....
Me never forget, I'm still headache.... quickly go find Panadol tablets and the tablets only remain 3pcs... (oh my god, so find every where but no have no choice take 1 tablet lo, cause now mom also sick she needs more) then go sleep.
==> Yesterday..... 10 Dec 2008.... Morning everything as normal, only feel a bit not well (bad feeling only) and still have dry lips need drink more water again. Lunch time no appetite just eat porridge. After Lunch later I saw another small bubble on my left hand middle of course use pin to destroy it, again with that day 2..... No serious hit like that day, only the 4th hit hit again, my four hand cold very cold have fever. after that,everything go smoothly.
After I reached home chatting with mom, regarding me not feeling well out of no way my back pain very pain so ask mom help me take a look. Later on, I & mom suspect that I have chicken pox!!! >-< already 8.45pm not much clinic open till late only general hospital and 24hr clinic. Mom ask dad quickly drive me to the clinic we suspect is chicken pox. And lucky I still manage to see the doctor and he mention that "it looks like chicken pox but may be bitted by any insect " (I don't know le, no family member have chicken pox now a days and never bitted by any unknown insect too) RM 30 for the medicine & doctor fees. When I reach home again me forgot ask him for MC @_@||| and he never ask me (I think he categorized me still a student and now still holiday .....)
==> Today..... never go works tired and afraid to spread chicken pox to others. Settle some follow up for my colleague to do. Then 11.30am then I drive myself to another so called "family doctor" clinic see doctor again and remember to ask MC but me still forgot ask the stupid receipt @_@|||. This cost me RM 60 including chicken pox tablets ...... Now I can say I have a lot of pox some just coming out made me so pain but me not itchy lo... pain and feel like to touch it. hehe
Oh, my MC doctor give me 3 days 1st (Saturday 1/2 day) if still not good sunday need to see him again and extent my MC.. =-=
Now Die ING mode..... so pain la!!!!!!!
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