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I suddenly realised !!!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2006 {♥} .:eve:. 2/25/2006 01:12:00 AM 0 Comments

This few day, when ever I go where I will saw my secondary classmates & schoolmate. Oh, my god!!! @_@.

Like yesterday, I so long didn't take the MRT in Kranji and I might be late for school that day so I decided to take MRT to school. When I going up to the passanger waiting plagform, I saw all my secondary classmates ( all males) . ok, I know I'm can't really do this (talk about what do they do after graduated) but I still know say "hi!" to them . Then , I remain silence after they started talk to me. then silence again ==>am I afraid ...........or.............. being unsociable and eccentric..... for this??<==

I don't know!!=_= ..... and today after school, agian at MRT but is at Jurong East Interchange same place same things "hi" then no more. He was not my Sec. Classmate or schoolmate just a friend that same as me study in Singapore, Malaysian. Talk not much too then remain silence, silence and silence. ==> ah~~~!! @_@<== talk agian then silence, repeat almost 6 to 8 times ==> what am I doing??<== after that we seperate before I heading to City Square.

After that, I meet my schoolmate!! Is happen at in City Square. I myself go comic house shopping then go home. Before I go, sudden there is someone stand beside me so I turn my head look who is it ==>who the hell,stand beside me??I am rashing home at the moment >< <==
She was sharing at me, at the first place then we look at each other(like chad and nana) ==>who is this?? do I know her?? Or she thought I am her friend@_@!!<== Then, I ask her do I know u?? she said yes and ask .....a...who is she too!! @_@ . So, she told me she was xx sis. Then, I know==>oh, my god?? I thought who is that??my classmate or what<== Yup, I can't recognise her at all she was totally difference then before become so beautiful ( dye and cut hair, make up) . We don't talk too much as well then seperate.

@_@....... now my life is full of Sec. classmates and Sec. schoolmate......... o>


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